Sensitive, loving interactions with teachers are the active ingredients of high quality early care and learning programs. Children benefit socially, intellectually and physically from participation in quality group care experiences, with proven results that last into their school years. Quality child care/day care programs also involve parents—regularly telling you about your child’s daily activities, and sharing information about child development topics and activity ideas to enjoy at home.
Little Apple Academy Center is open from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Hours of care will be contracted from child to child. No childcare will be provided on Saturday and Sundays or some Holiday.
Our VPK students must be at the center no later than 8:50 am. Regular attendance at the Center is extremely important for your child is to settle in well. Routine become part of your child’s day. You are welcome to visit your child in the daycare at any time.
Infant & Toddler Daycare
Our infant childcare program emphasizes a warm, nurturing and safe environment. Your caregiver will focus on your baby’s needs, and help your infant reach key developmental milestones while maintaining your existing routine with bottle times, naps and play time.
We respond to your toddler’s growing energy and curiosity with fun learning activities and creative playtime while introducing structure, consistency, and an established routine.
Preschool (3 to 4 years)
The foundation for learning success is built in these early years, so our preschool program is focused on providing your child with a solid grounding in the skills needed for Kindergarten, including language, critical thinking, problem solving, socialization and relationship building.
Pre-K (4 to 5 years)
The Pre-Kindergarten year is all about learning! We ensure learning is fun and draws your child in. Our Pre-K program is designed to prepare your child for success in Kindergarten with active experiences in language, math, science, social studies, music and art.
Activities for Children of Any Age
Little Apple Learning Center is open to all children aged two weeks to twelve years

(2 weeks – 23 months)

(2 year old)

(3 year old)

(Pre-K For All)
Learning Areas
We mainly have 5 work areas: Reading center, Dramatic play, Art center, Block center, Science center
Reading centers reinforce skills and concepts
A reading center is a physical area (or station) designated for specific learning purposes. It is designed to provide appropriate materials to help students work independently or collaboratively (with partners or in small groups) to meet literacy goals.
Art centers reinforce skills and concepts
Art is a form of creative expression; the art center in a preschool classroom is a place where your little learners can to go express themselves creatively.
Block center reinforce skills and concepts
Block play is a valuable learning tool for young children of all ages. By setting aside an area for block play within the child care space, our teachers are creating an area for imaginative cooperative play.
Dramatic play to reinforce skills and concepts
It's the kind of play where kids take on roles and act them out as a way of exploring themselves and their surroundings. By pretending to be someone—or something—else, children can learn new ways to express themselves, share thoughts and ideas, and even get in touch with their feelings.
Science centers reinforce skills and concepts
Science centers stimulate curiosity, develop inquiring minds and expose children to positive new experiences. They help kids to cope with the rapidly changing technological environment and empower them by improving their life skills.